This Privacy Policy (Policy) governs Equipment Lighting Limited’s (herein referred to in this Policy as “Equipment Lighting”, we, “our” or “us”) collection, use and disclosure of personal information. Personal information is information about an identifiable individual and includes any information about you that identifies your, or by which your identity can be reasonably ascertained (“Personal Information”).

This Policy has been prepared in accordance with our obligations, and your rights, as set out in the Privacy Act 2020 (“Privacy Act”).

Application of this Policy
This Policy applies to any personal information we collect when you engage or interact with us, including when:

  • You visit our premise;
  • You visit our website;
  • Submit an enquiry through our website;
  • Sign up to our mailing list;
  • You submit an order for any of our lighting equipment or other Goods

(“Goods”); You use any other service we provide now or in the future (together our “Services”)

Where there are inconsistencies between this Policy and any other terms and conditions that may apply to your use of our Services in respect of Personal Information including our Terms and Trade, the terms of this Policy shall prevail.

Personal Information we collect
The Personal Information we may collect from you includes:

  • your name and contact details;
  • billing information;
  • your residential and shipping address;
  • details of orders you make for our Goods;
  • details relating to your method of payment for the Goods;
  • details for the purposes of assessing your creditworthiness;
  • details of communications we have had with you including e-mail and phone communications;
  • any other personal information that you provide to enable us to provide you with Goods or any other Service.

When you visit our website, we also collect Personal Information such as your IP address, the operating system and browser of your device, you general wifi location and the date and time you visited our website and what pages on our website you visited. When you pay for Goods our payment provider Stripe may collect additional Personal Information about you, the information it may collect is outlined in its privacy policy which can be read at this link.

Collection of Personal Information
Where possible we collect Personal Information directly from you, for example when you contact us by e-mail, submit a query through our enquiries form, sign up to our mailing list, or provide details as part of purchasing our Goods.

We (and any third party authorised in accordance with this Policy) may also collect your Personal Information from third parties:

  1. as part of our recruitment process;
  2. through cookies and monitoring software including google analytics when you use our website;
  3. when you authorise us to collect your Personal Information from a third party;
  4. where that Personal Information is publicly available.

Use of Personal Information
We collect Personal Information in order to provide you with our Goods and Services. By ordering our Goods, engaging with our Services or otherwise engaging with us you agree that we, and any third party authorised by this Policy may collect, store and use your Personal Information to do any of the following:

  1. provide you with our Goods that you have ordered;
  2. deal with questions or complaints you have about our Goods and Services;
  3. develop and evaluate our Goods and Services
  4. carry out activities required by law or regulatory bodies
  5. administration purposes such as invoicing and obtaining payment for our Goods your order
  6. conduct our recruitment process;
  7. safety and security purposes;
  8. to assess your creditworthiness;
  9. any other purpose that we make known to you at the time of collection of your Personal Information; and
  10. any other purpose that you authorize

How we use cookies and usage monitoring software
Cookies are small text files that are placed in your browser by the websites you visit. They are widely used to help users navigate websites efficiently, to perform certain functions on the sites, and/or to provide site owners with information about how their sites are used. When you access our websites, social media pages and/or mobile apps, we may use cookies where they are required for particular features to work – for example, if you are a logged in user, to allow you to remain logged in whilst you complete certain tasks. Some information/Services may be unavailable if you chose to disable your browser from accepting cookies.

By using the Services, you consent to the storing and accessing of cookies or other information on your device in connection with your use of the website.
Our website uses Google Analytics, a service which transmits website traffic data to Google servers in the United States. Google Analytics does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand website traffic and webpage usage. By using our website you consent to the processing of data about you by Googleinthemannerdescribedin “HowGoogleusesdatawhenyouuseourpartners' sites or apps” which you can read at

Payment Provider
By ordering Goods and using the associated Services you consent to our payment provider, Stripe, collecting your Personal Information necessary to process, complete payment and delivery of the Goods. By ordering Goods you consent to the processing of Personal Information about you in the manner described in Stripe’s privacy policy which you can read at

Your Personal Information will be stored at our premises and through MySQL. We will take reasonable steps to ensure your Personal Information is securely and safely stored. This includes taking reasonable steps to ensure the security of our electronic systems, passwords and cloud servers.

The security of your Personal Information is important to us, however communications over the internet are not secure unless they have been encrypted. It is your responsibility to protect access to any e-mails or other communications you receive from us. To the maximum extent permitted by law we disclaim all liability against any misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure of your Personal Information.

We will only hold your Personal Information for the duration it is required, for the purpose(s) for which it was collected. Once we no longer require your Personal Information for the purposes for which it was collected we will securely delete your Personal Information within a reasonable timeframe.

Direct Marketing
When you subscribe to our mailing list, you consent to your name and contact details being added to such list on our database. You further consent to receive commercial and marketing e-mails from us.

All commercial electronic messages from us will contain an unsubscribed function. You can unsubscribe from receiving commercial and marketing communications from us by using the unsubscribe function or by contacting Equipment Lighting at We will endeavours to update your preferences as soon as possible but in any event in accordance with our obligations under the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007.

Disclosure of Personal Information
By ordering our Goods or by otherwise engaging with our Services you consent to us disclosing your Personal Information to:

  1. our appointed payment provider to process your payment for our Goods
  2. a third party contracted to us to assist with the shipping and delivery of Goods you have purchased
  3. a third party contracted to us to provide you, or us, with a particular service (including a provider to assess your credit worthiness);
  4. third parties we believe in good faith that disclosure is required by law; and
  5. any third party you authorise disclosure to.

Other than as outlined in this Policy we will not disclose, sell, or license your Personal Information to, any third party except where disclosure is necessary to prevent a threat to health, security and safety or as otherwise required or permitted by law.

However, in accordance with Google’s privacy policy, it may share Personal Information they have collected publicly with their partners.

Your Rights
You are entitled to request access to your Personal Information we hold about you. Further, you are entitled to request that your Personal Information is updated or that it is corrected.

We will disclose Personal Information to the relevant individual to which it relates where that Personal Information can be readily retrieved unless there is a good reason in accordance with the Privacy Act or any other applicable law for not doing so. For example, we may refuse you access to your Personal Information where doing so would breach another person(s) privacy.

Where you request us to correct or update your Personal Information we will do so where we think it is reasonable. Where we do not update your Personal Information, you can request us to attach a statement of correction sought, but not made to the relevant Personal Information.

To request access, and update or correction to your Personal Information please contact our Privacy Officer by email

You have the right to complain if you feel we have not responded to your request, or question about your Personal Information. You can also make a complaint direct to our Privacy Officer.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the New Zealand Office of the Privacy Commissioner. Information about how to lodge a complaint with the New Zealand Office of the Privacy Commissioner can be found on its website.

Updates to this Policy
We reserve the right to make changes to this policy from time to time. We will inform you of changes to this Policy by updating the “last updated” date at the end of this Policy. Unless otherwise stated a change to this Policy will apply immediately upon being uploaded to the website.

We recommend you check this Policy regularly for changes. Your continued use of this website and/or the Services following an update to this Policy demonstrates your acceptance of the changes to the Policy.

Last updated 12 April 2023